Coll Day#1

Woke earli.vry neck! lolx..
went to coll late.missed a big portion of the introduction of the orientation..
hv to address those same age lik me wan "senior"!! come on! i more senior lar! in some sense betul!!

ice breakin session.pissed! hv to take off shoe lace? my god! mine take few hrs to tie wan ler!..haiyo.mafan!! ...
got tis treasure hunting thingy..the task is..get der.take i take the whole paper off...lolx..dam funnie.ppl even CALL to enquire zit me who take the paper off..dam dam funnie wei! lolx...y dey actually treat it so seriously! chill lar..jz a game..haha...i'm hvin fun! lolx
and den hv to make sum structure to land an egg frm few storey high and survive the egg....tho we used "toyota" suspension system..! lolx..the egg jz smashed on the face tat kinda thingy! lolx...

My orientation team
Frm Left (standing: Bryan, Joven, EnE guy, Cher Hui , me. Seated: Mr Lee - the electric man)

and den.end of session.wen catchin up wid wh in McD...den saw marcus.den end up wid vince and omg! wats the other guy's melur..

She said we no fate.whole day cannot meet.haha..
fate or no fate.its der its der..we hv it!..stil meeting up or not ..we're in control!..
we did meet up afterall!..
and i din lie .nt even abit wen i jz dun even Search for u ...i jz walk in straight to the library and den i sumhow jz walk towards ur direction...its lik so near onli i get to see u der..wat u call tat!!

love u sweetie! hehe